HCR 1.0

What we did?
🚲On Feb 27th, 2022 6 AM, all the Cyclists of Hyderabad city came together to a common point in the center of the city from all different directions (North, East, South, and West). Once we came together, we rode towards a 400-year-old Monument in the city called Charminar, gathered there and shout out with placards. This was one of a kind and a historical ride for the city, never before this has happened and we hoped this was a game changer for the city, in terms of transformation towards Cycling. We have pulled together all the Cycling Groups and Running Groups in the city, and we saw about 750 cyclists at one time flooding the roads of our city.

Why we did this?

🚲 Flooded the roads of our #Hyderabad city with Cyclists in all roads, Conveying to all Motorists that – #WeTooShareTheRoad, as part of awareness. 

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To Know More about HCR 1.0:

HCR 1.0

Glimpses of HCR first edition

HCR on media

HCR coverage and media Q and A