Rithikaa Sree S B

Blood Group:B- (B negative)

Emergency Contact:  8885509007(Dad) 9043216130(Mom) 

9th Grade student

In my Mind:

I am a school student who is studying in the 9th class with a hobby of reading online articles and cycling. Earlier I was a tennis player due to Corona lockdowns our tennis ground was shifted far away from our home. But I love watching tennis matches when I'm free. 

Recently I had been through many articles on the top 10 polluted countries, the reasons behind it, environmental aspects, global warming, etc. After reading these articles I am too much concerned about the environment. Since then I started caring for the environment as if this continues within a few decades our environment will be degraded and depleted \. These articles challenged me to follow active mobility and use sustainable development in my daily life. By seeing HCR I felt a bit confident and motivated that through this Hyderabad Cycling Revolution, we can make our city clean and safe for the future. After joining in HCR, I started campaigning and promoting active mobility in my localities. I started making people understand how our environment will be after a few decades if we didn't follow active mobility. 

My Dream is to see a pollution-free, accident-free, safe and clean country.